Bracken Estates Limited and the Vendor/Lessor whose agents they are do give notice that:
- These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract.
- All statements contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility on the part of the Agents or the Vendor/Lessor and none of the statements contained in these particulars as to this property are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact.
- The particulars, various plans, photographs, dimensions, references to condition and permissions for use and occupation are given in good faith and are believed to be correct but their accuracy is not guaranteed and any intending Purchasers or Tenants shall satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to correctness of each of them. No omission, accidental error or misdescription shall be ground for a claim for compensation nor for the rescission of the contract by either the Vendor/Lessor or the Purchaser/Tenant.
- Neither the Vendor/Lessor/Bracken Estates Limited or anyone in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to the property.
- Prices are quoted exclusive of VAT (unless otherwise stated) and all negotiations are conducted on the basis that the Purchaser/Tenant shall be liable for any VAT arising on the transaction.
Any intending purchaser(s) shall accept that no statement, description or measurement contained in any newspaper, brochure, magazine, advertisement, handout, website or any other document or publication, published by the vendor or by Bracken Estates Limited as the vendor’s agent, in respect of the premises shall constitute a representation inducing the purchaser(s) to enter into any contract for sale, or any warranty forming part of any such contract for sale.
Any such statement, description or measurement, whether in writing or in oral form, given by the vendor, or by Bracken Estates Limited as the vendor’s agent, are for illustration purposes only and are not to be taken as matters of fact and do not form part of any contract.
Any intending purchaser(s) shall satisfy themselves by inspection, survey or otherwise as to the correctness of same. No omission, misstatement, misdescription, incorrect measurement or error of any description, whether given orally or in any written form by the vendor or by Bracken Estates Limited as the vendor’s agent, shall give rise to any claim for compensation against the vendor or against Bracken Estates Limited, nor any right whatsoever of rescission or otherwise of the proposed contract for sale. Any intending purchaser(s) are deemed to fully satisfy themselves in relation to all such matters. These materials are issued on the strict understanding that all negotiations will be conducted through Bracken Estates Limited.